WRCNA XI Women’s Retreat

Women's retreat of Colorado in Empire, Colorado. Speakers, workshops, activities, and more! Lodging and food included with registration. Registration open until august 9th. www.wrcna.nacolorado.org  


The 38th World Convention, The Power of Love! The convention will be held 29 August through 1 September 2024, at the Walter Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC. WCNA 38 will go on sale Tuesday 9 January at 8 am Mountain Time. For more information see http://www.na.org/wcna

Boulder Area Labor Day BBQ

Waneka Lake Park

Waneka Lake Park - West Summer Shelter 1600 Caria Dr. Lafayette, CO 80026

Fun Addicts Potluck

council tree church 4825 S Lemay, Fort Collins, CO, United States

Regional Assembly

In Person at: 1218 N. Circle Dr, CO Springs, 80909 Via Zoom: Meeting ID: 862 1189 8680 Password: Assembly GSR Training @ 9:20 AM Assembly Starts @ 10 AM

OTW H&I Subcommittee Meeting

H&I meets the Saturday before the ASC. You can join us via Zoom at: Topic: OTW H&I Subcomittee Zoom Link Meeting ID: 834 5933 7366 Passcode: 768932

OTW Area Service Committee Meeting

Oddfellows Lodge 2495 E 13th street, Loveland, CO, United States

First Sunday of the month, in person: At Oddfellows Lodge 2495 E 13th St, Loveland, CO 80537 Doors open at 8:30am Area starts at 9:00am.